Madawaska Valley Township meeting

BARRY’S BAY – On June 9, the Council of the Madawaska Valley Township (MVT) met online to discuss a number of matters.

The meeting began in-camera, and, according to its agenda, dealt with three specific matters: a water bill reduction, a representation from St. Francis Herb Farm, and an update on a matter of litigation regarding the wastewater plant.

When it opened to the public, it began with Deputy Treasurer Janice Zelney, who sought the council’s guidance on several matters. The first was the township’s leak forgiveness policy. The policy, she said, states that it is possible to apply for some kind of bill remittance “every ten years.” Is this ten years calculated based on the property or on the owner? In other words, does the ten years restart every time someone purchases the property? Councillors decided that this should be calculated from the property, regardless of ownership.

They also addressed the cap of the coverage. Councillor Carl Bromwich thought that fifty percent of the water leak cost, up to a total of a thousand dollars was reasonable. He thought it was very important for home owners to pay attention to these matters in their houses. Councillors Mark Wilmer and David Shulist agreed. Now, is this 50 percent borne by the township or by the water customers only? Bromwich said that it should be borne by water customers only; all councillors agreed with him.

Next, Operations Manager Hilary Kutchkoskie joined the meeting and discussed the parking situation in Combermere. He had a proposal to set up a parking area in the downtown area with gravel. As chair of Roads Committee, Carl Bromwich wanted to come and see it in person, and Councillor Ernie Peplinski too. Both were happy about the idea and would go see what Kutchkoskie proposes, and make a recommendation to the rest of the Council.

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