Elementary teacher wins provincial award for sexual violence prevention

KILLALOE  – The Grade 4/5 teacher from St. Andrew’s Catholic School in Killaloe, recently took a trip to Toronto. Stephanie Keon-Pinkerton was collecting the White Ribbon/ Draw the Line Sexual Violence Prevention Award in the educator class.

At the award ceremony at the YWCA on Elm Street she was able to recount to the audience her experience as a teacher and that of our community’s experience of September 22, 2015. That was the day Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk and Nathalie Warmerdam were murdered by a former partner, Basil Borutski.

“It was a beautiful sunny day in September. I was with my kindergarten students,” Keon-Pinkerton began.

“Normally when we do our lockdown procedure, there’s an announcement. This wasn’t an announcement, it was a knock on the door and very quiet, whispered message. We were asked to initiate a “hold and secure procedure”; the children didn’t have to be completely quiet in the classroom. We had the lights off and kept the volume to a minimum. We were like that for hours that day. Slowly news would trickle in about what was happening.

For more pick up a copy of the December 6, paper.