Despite short season, more skaters at Round Lake and Killaloe rinks

KILLALOE – At the March 28 Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards Recreation Committee there were two delegations. Chair, Councillor Brian Pecoskie, said the main reason for the meeting was to hear reports from Harold Lavigne and Tim Reym about the townships two outdoor rinks. Lavigne looks after the Round Lake rink and Reym looks after the Killaloe rink. Before asking them to speak, Pecoskie told them both, he had received a lot of praise for their work from residents over the winter. “I had people say that the ice was better than they have seen in an arena. That’s got to say something,” Pecoskie said. Mayor Janice Visneskie-Moore and Councillor Debbie Peplinskie added their praise. Pecoskie continued, “They said they couldn’t believe it was an outdoor rink, the ice was so smooth,” Visneskie-Moore added, “And not one complaint.” “You did an excellent job at both rinks,” Pecoskie concluded. Lavigne then gave his report. Lavigne began by saying, “Well, we had an early start on the ice this year, and an early ending, unfortunately.” For more pick up a copy of the April 4, paper.