KILLALOE – At the last meeting of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards council in 2019, on December 17, the subject of derelict buildings in the village of Killaloe was discussed in response to an email from a resident.
Marilyn Paddle, a long standing resident of Killiloe, had sent an email dated November 1, to council enquiring about 171 Queen Street, recently demolished by the municipality at a cost of $150,000. The building was in a perilous state of repair, the roof had collapsed inwards and was a danger to neighbouring buildings, pedestrians and road users.
Paddle’s email had been forwarded to council by Mayor Visneskie-Moore.
On December 11, Paddle sent a follow up email to council, noting that she had yet to receive a response.
In her November 1 email Paddle asks, “Has council consulted Township’s solicitor regarding instituting an active lawsuit against the owners of this property for gross negligence in allowing [the building] to reach the state at which it needs to be torn down because it is a safety hazard?”
In her email, Paddle also pointed to other buildings in Killaloe that have been abandoned.
“There is another large property on Queen Street, the Algonquin East, Dan’s Country Diner property. It is also essentially abandoned and deteriorating each year.”
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