Eganville Olympian talks self-esteem with MVDHS kids

BARRY’S BAY – Having just returned home from winning first place in Ireland’s AIT International Grand Prix in Athlone, Eganville Olympian Melissa Bishop took some time to talk about the challenges she faced during her rise to the top.

Bishop was invited by Elser Lee Faith Archer of PoP Ministries to speak to local Madawaska Valley District High School students, particularly those involved with physical education. PoP Ministries helped organize the Miss Madawaska Valley pageant this year, which focused more than ever on inner strength and beauty, as well as body image and self-esteem issues.

Since Bishop couldn’t be at the school in person, she agreed to video conference with a group of students in the library on February 23.

One of the first questions asked by the students was how hard it was to be an athlete and if her friends supported her.

Get your March 1, 2017 edition of The Valley Gazette to read the full article.