Township set to explore off-site contamination

BARRY’S BAY – Madawaska Valley Township is moving ahead with off-site testing to see if neighbouring properties were affected by soil contamination from the former gas station business.
The township bought the property, located behind the municipal office, in 2011 and committed to all clean up costs as part of the purchase agreement. 
After the clean up was deemed complete, the Ministry of Environment ordered the township to conduct off-site testing to see if there was any contamination on neighbouring properties. 
At the January 15 roads, property and planning committee meeting, Geo Logic presented a quote for the cost to do the off-site testing.
According to the report, it will cost roughly $9,850 to drill three monitoring wells and perform the other work necessary for monitoring the grounds.
Linda Neuman asked at the recent meeting if that was the only quote the township had sought. 
Acting CAO/Clerk Brenda Sabatine said the reason why the township did not look for another quote was that Geo Logic had been involved in the testing since the beginning. 
Get your copy of The Valley Gazette, January 22, 2014 to read this full story.