There’s no one like a Grandparent

Were you lucky enough to know your grandparents?

I was fortunate to have mine in my life well into adult hood, and now that I’m a grandparent myself I know how incredibly blessed I was.

Both mom and dad’s parents lived only minutes away from our house, so we saw them often. There were weekly visits after church where we got together with all the cousins and frequent bike rides to their house where we would find Memere and Pepere Lavigne sitting on their front porch having a cup of tea after supper. She always kept some of her baking in the freezer, usually a chocolate cake,
All of our parties and gatherings inevitably started or ended at Memere and Pepere’s and every occasion, be it happy or sad was shared with our family at their home. Well into my early twenties, whenever I returned home, I never left town without going to visit them first.

Why are our grandparents so special?

Without the challenges of having to rear their grandchildren, they are free to shower us with unconditional love.

A grandparent’s house is not the place for discipline and chores. It’s not the place where you have to finish everything on your plate or clean your room. It is the place however where you are guaranteed to be spoiled, get lots of cuddling and hugs, eat plenty of treats made just for you and probably never hear the word no, unless you turn off your Poppa’s Habs game on TV!

And they are fun! Suddenly your “old” parents are jumping on a trampoline, skipping rope, dancing in the kitchen, and swimming in the lake again … anything for the grandkids.

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