Stamp out loneliness this holiday season by reviving the tradition of sending Christmas cards

Staff Reporter

COMBERMERE – In decades past, the sending of Christmas cards was an important tradition practiced by many families. Aunts and uncles, cousins, neighbours and old friends would all send and receive cards to people near and far. At first gradually, and then quite rapidly, the rise of digital communication all but killed the tradition of sending Christmas cards, and in the process, took away a meaningful part of the holiday season.

Christmas cards were a way to keep in touch with people you do not often see but who nevertheless are an important part of your life.

This year, people around the world and here at home are rediscovering the importance of sending Christmas cards. The Catholic Woman’s League of Holy Canadian Martyrs in Combermere recently organized a small troop of volunteers to send out Christmas cards to people who would be happy to receive them. CWL President Lesley McCambridge said, “We purchased over 200 cards, most locally, and sat down with our lists.” The women, along with their new pastor, Fr. Justin Bertrand, set to work writing and addressing the many cards.

McCambridge told The Valley Gazette that the idea started as a way to stay connected with people most impacted by the pandemic. She said, “The Catholic Women’s League is dedicated to helping those in need in the larger community. We in Combermere were thinking of outreach projects and Father Bertrand suggested different ways to use print media. Christmas cards! We all loved the idea of sending cards to those shut in by COVID, to personal friends who were having a rough time, and to those who should be recognized for their contributions to our parish. The list grew and grew, and we know we still will have missed some.”

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