Now is not the time for Dimestore Fishermen

BARRY’S BAY – Madawaska Valley Township Council met as scheduled on November 19.

A letter was presented from St. John Bosco, thanking Councillor Linda Neuman and Councillor Bob Kulas for presenting to their class on October 17.
A decision was made concerning the Dimestore Fishermen, a TV show that wanted to promote fishing in the area.
The draft for the Lakewoods Resort Developments Inc. subdivision was discussed as well during the meeting.
Letter from students The students of St. John Bosco sent a letter to council in order to thank them for their presentation last month.
Neuman and Kulas had joined the Grade 8 students in order to discuss the past, present and future developments of the area.
Neuman read the letter aloud to council.
“We felt that the hiring of engineers to study and assess the conditions of our roads was a fair and effective way to maintain our infrastructure,” the letter said.
It continued to state that the sidewalks are also an important asset, and that they feel some of those in our community are hazardous and prevent the students from walking, biking and rollerblading on them.
The students also wrote that they enjoy and are hopeful that council will continue to encourage the existing events in the community.
“There are not a lot of activities for young people in this area, so we are excited at the prospect of using high school facilities for more events,” Neuman read.
Another note made was that the students would like to see the arena used for activities all year round, so that they can play lacrosse and roller blade on the ice surface during the summer months.
Lastly, the students mentioned the Tim Hortons issue in Barry’s Bay, and admitted that they do understand how that it is out of councils hands at this time.
“Nevertheless, we want to emphasize how much we love Time Hortons and think it would benefit our community,” the letter stated.
Dimestore Fisherman
The Dimestore Fisherman is a TV show that has been in contact with council concerning coming to the area in order to promote fishing.
“Right now they are planning for the 2013 season, and they are just asking if we are still interested,” Mayor David Shulist said. “What I would like to see here is an answer to it.”
The show had come to council last year, however the idea was postponed at that time.
“I would not be prepared to make any kind of definite decision tonight,” O’Reilly said. “It could be a budget item.”
“I don’t think so at this time… There is quite a few fishing derbies in the summer time that bring in fisherman from around and from far also, and that promotes fishing in our area,” Neuman stated. “I think right now we are doing okay.”
Supporting Highway 62
The Township of Brundell, Lyndoch and Raglan has turned to MV council asking for their support in turning to Premier Dalton McGuinty.
BLR is recommending that the Province of Ontario upload Highway 62 to the Provincial Road System.
This is due to the important transportation link this highway has to southern Ontario for local businesses and manufacturers.
The Municipality of Hastings Highlands is planning to place a half-load restriction along Highway 62, which will then prevent the ability of fully loaded trucks from using that road.
This restriction is due to the fact that Hastings Highlands has been subject to being a route for major transportation and does not have the financial resources in order to maintain the highway.
This will begin in the spring of 2013, and will cause negative impact with the trucking industries that use this route.
The trucks use the road in order to travel to southern Ontario and Toronto, they will now be forced to use Schutt Road, and with the constant heavy trucks driving along that route, it will cause deterioration of the road.
BLR has stated that the restriction will have a dramatic effect on our forestry industry in the area.
MV council has agreed to support the township of BLR in their hopes of receiving an upload for Highway 62.
“I support it, because someday we might be looking for support also,” Councillor Sylvie Yantha said.

Story continues in the November 21, 2012 issue of The Valley Gazette.