Horoscopes – August 21 to 28

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20

Aries, you may be feeling sociable this week. Make the most of opportunities to hang out with those people you prefer to spend time with regularly.

TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21

Your work will be a labor of love for someone special, Taurus. Even though you are doing it for generous reasons, give yourself ample time to breathe and unwind.

GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21

Gemini, your routine offers you comfort this week, but you may want to find some way to veer off course for a little bit. Who knows what waits around the bend?

CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22

Cancer, you may be worrying about things that are troubling you instead of enjoying time spent with friends. Enjoy time with loved ones and your troubles will subside.

LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23

Surround yourself with loved ones this week, Leo. You will take away much joy from these interactions. Do something fun and playful with siblings or cousins.

VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22

Virgo, you may feel the need to be responsible for others over the course of the next few days. They can probably handle themselves, but a little help never hurt.

LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, if you have put a high level of trust into other people, you won’t be disappointed when they live up to all of your expectations. Take some time to thank them.

SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22

Scorpio, you may feel a desire to be fully understood by others this week. But they can only understand you if you’re open and honest with them. Be more forthcoming.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21

Sagittarius, you are alert and inspired this week, and you may be on a quest to expand your social circle. Go to community events or other social activities in your area.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20

Capricorn, little financial uncertainty should compel you to take inventory or even revise spending habits. Unforseen circumstances can pop up.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18

You may feel confused about your current situation in life, Aquarius. This may be the case if you’re comparing yourself to others. You’re actually doing quite well.

PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20

Pisces, innovative solutions are on the tip of your tongue. You just need to organize your ideas to present them to others.



Tim Burton, Director (61)


Macaulay Culkin, Actor (39)


Tom Ford, Designer (58)


Florence Welch, Singer (33)


Liam Payne, Singer (26)


Cameron Diaz, Actress (47)


Jeff Hardy, Wrestler (42)

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