Horoscope – February 6 to 13

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20

Change is on the horizon, but you don’t yet know where you fit into the equation, Aries. Enjoy the unexpected and don’t worry so much about the future.

TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21

Taurus, though you may think you can only choose one direction in life, you really can reverse course and go in another direction if you so desire.

GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21

Gemini, normally you are conservative and weigh things carefully, However, this week your other side takes over and you are apt to be a little more spontaneous.

CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22

Cancer, there is only so much time to learn something new at work and you may be worried a bit. Someone will talk you through, and you’ll find your way.

LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23

Leo, if life seems a little more hectic these days, you may be taking on too many responsibilities. Lighten the load and focus on what matters most.

VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22

It can be challenging to wrap your head around certain goals, Virgo. However, you will manage to pick and choose those tasks that are most important and get things done.

LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, you may be compelled to be introspective this week. Use this time to reflect and explore all the reasons why you typically enjoy being an extrovert.

SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22

If there is something on your mind, Scorpio, now is not the time to share it with everyone. Let this settle for a bit, then choose the right time to share your discovery.

SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21

People around you who are irritable might try to pull you into their situations, Sagittarius. Resist the urge to become influenced by their bad moods and perceptions.

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20

Capricorn, a little extra concentration will have you flying through your to-do list in no time. Devote the time now and enjoy the reward and time off later.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18

Aquarius, it is never too late to get some exercise, even if you think that a dedicated workout regimen can’t fit in your schedule. Try socializing while working out.

PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20

This could be a week passion comes to the forefront, Pisces. If you keep your options open, you may be surprised at what comes your way.



Daddy Yankee, Singer (42)


Kyla Kenedy, Actress (16)


Cristiano Ronaldo, Athlete (34)


Crystal Reed, Actress (34)


Garth Brooks, Singer (57)


Paige Mackenzie, Athlete (36)


Tom Hiddleston, Actor (38)

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