Grandma’s Garden marks ten years

BARRY’S BAY – A home-grown business manages to do what most business cannot – make it to ten years!

The reality of this feat was not immediately apparent to Sheila Lorbetski when it was brought to her attention.

When a friend dropped off a gift to congratulate her on her accomplishment, “She reminded me that its a big deal, being in business for 10 years. I looked surprised. Is it? … Then I thought of all the little businesses that come and go, start then stop, succeed then fail, open up and then shut down.”

“With my experience, I have become a realist. I know that nothing lasts forever. But this simple gift brought to me, made me realize my accomplishments. I have been a business woman for 10 years. I have made a lot of mistakes, wanted to stop so many times, failed, cried, and felt like throwing in the towel quite a lot over the last 10 years.”

“But I have this passion and drive that I find around every corner. I have had wonderful people come and help me through tough times. Businesses that support my dreams and my mission. And a family that is always there for me.”

Local shoppers have doubtlessly seen her products in the grocery store, if they have not tried for themselves by now.

“This 10 year anniversary, I want to share with you the reason for our business name,” Lorbetskie said.

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