Family angered after wooden cross removed

MADAWASKA – Steve Aleck was driving down Highway 60 on June 1 when he noticed something was missing from the cemetery where his father is buried.

The wooden cross, containing a nameplate, was removed from his father’s resting place at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church Cemetery in Madawaska.

When he went to look for it, Aleck found it was discarded, with other cross markers, down a path near the church.

“Like yesterday’s trash,” he said.

According to Steve and his wife Amanda, there was no communication from the church before the markers were removed.

Steve’s dad, William Stephen “Pappy” Aleck, was buried in the cemetery in 2002. The family could not afford a more permanent monument, and explained that the simple wooden marker reflected his simple lifestyle.

“It’s something he would have wanted,” Amanda added.

The family added that the marker was replaced once since its placement and there was never an issue with the marker over the years.

“We usually come down on Father’s Day and give it some stain, or see if it needs some care,” Steve explained. “It was there after 13 years. Why, after 13 years, is it not a suitable marker?”

Get your June 10, 2015 edition of The Valley Gazette to read the full story.