BARRY’S BAY – There’s a familiar face in a new role at the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation in Barry’s Bay.
Erin Gienow, former donor relations coordinator at the foundation, stepped up to the position of executive director. Gienow is replacing Toni Lavigne-Conway, who retired from the foundation at the end of December 2019.
Foundation board chair Karen Tierney extended her congratulations to Gienow, as she embarked on the new adventure on January 6.
“Our board is delighted to welcome Erin in her new role as our executive director,” Tierney said. “We are confident that with the knowledge and expertise she has developed over the past eight years at the foundation, and her commitment and understanding of local healthcare and our donors, she will provide great leadership for us into the future.”
St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation raises funds for three local healthcare communities, including the hospital, Valley Manor, and the hospice.
Gienow said that one message that she anticipates she will be reiterating to the community is that the government does not provide money for hospital equipment. It’s a message that many are still unaware of, she said.
The foundation’s executive director acts as a resource for the board of directors, which governs the foundation. Gienow will be responsible for overall operational planning.
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