Briefs from the March 19 Township of Madawaska Valley meeting

BARRY’S BAY David Shulist chaired the March 19 regular council meeting in the absence of Mayor Kim Love who is tending to an ill parent in Ottawa.

Council has set up a rotation of councillors to stand in for the mayor, whenever she is unavailable. For the first year of this council’s term, it is Councillor Shulist.

Councillor Carl Bromwich was also absent from the meeting.

Sue Klatt explained the non attendance of the delegation from Madawaska Valley Family Health Team regarding a mobile health hub. An email from Susan Farrar told council the board of the MVFHT has decided not to proceed with this project at this time.


The operations committee report on road banners was accepted by the council. This referred to a banner policy staff have been asked to research and recommend.

Under water and waste water, the council accepted the quarterly report of the Ottawa Clean Water Agency.

Under fire, protection and emergency, council approved staff issuing a request for proposal to replace staff radios.

Council approved through resolution, the following individuals to be volunteer members of the Twinning Committee: Richard Shulist, Ed Chippior, Iwona Ostropolski and Cynthia Wolfgram.


2019-10 Shoreline Road Allowance closure and sale along the Madawaska River, was given final reading.

2019-22 Revisions were made to the fire burning and setting fires by-law. It was given third reading.

Severance applications on Kiedroski Road and Berono Lane were both approved.

There was then a discussion in response to application by the owners of a gourmet mobile food business. They wanted clarification if they added a portable washroom to the commercial property they intend to use for their business, whether they would save money on their application fee, as is set out in the schedule of fees.


Under correspondence, there was an announcement of how much the municipality will get from the province under the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund.

A letter arguing against taxing AirBnB’s was briefly discussed, having been rejected at an earlier council meeting.

Council supported a motion from the Township of Saugeen Shores that municipalities need more assistance to maintain and repair recreation facilities.

Council decided to make April 6th gift from the heart day in recognition of the dental hygienists who provide their service to those in need on that day.

Under new business, the council decided to make April 7-13 Volunteer Week.

Council also discussed reports on the four waste sites in the township. These were approved and forwarded to the province.