Hoch Farm exploring solar panels

KILLALOE – Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards (TKHR) council welcomed a delegation at their regular meeting on December 1. Garnet Kranz, President of Killaloe Heritage and Ecology Society (KHES), gave a brief presentation on a new initiative the society wishes to explore. 
Kranz was asking permission from council to explore the possibility of putting solar panels on Hoch Farm property. 
There are three possible solar panel arrangements being considered; on the roof of the barn, on the roof of the house, or a free standing panel. 
It was explained by Kranz that he was in discussions with Ottawa River Power Corporation and Ottawa River Energy Solutions. All remuneration from the solar panels would be paid to KHES, said Kranz. Further, if KHES was dissolved, all funds from the solar panels would be given to TKHR. 
Kranz was at the meeting to request a letter of intent from council that the society could give to the solar companies. 
Mayor Janice Visneskie Moore said that TKHR owned the Hoch Farm property and that as the landlord the council would need to review the contract. 
Kranz said that the society needed a letter of intent from council so that negotiations could continue. Mayor Visneskie Moore said that the council could provide a letter of intent conditional to the contract. She said that the municipal lawyer would have to review any contract. 
Kranz informed the council that he was in a conflict of interest in that he is a director of Ottawa River Power. He said someone else from the KHES would sign the contract.
Kranz told council that the solar panels would be a “big thing for us” and he thanked them for their support and cooperation. He also explained that he hoped to get a small solar panel unit so that he can demonstrate to people how solar power works.
He was directed by Visneskie Moore to work closely with Lorna Hudder, TKHR CAO Clerk Treasurer, to draw up the letter of intent.
Kranz said that a solar panel was a natural fit for a society that is interested in heritage and ecology. He said that he would never consider a windmill generator as they are “dirty and noisy, but solar has gone too far to turn back.”


Get your December 9, 2015 edition of The Valley Gazette to read the full story.