Wendish win multicultural curling bonspiel

KILLALOE – Eight teams went head to head in the eighth-annual multicultural curling bonspiel on March 22.
Throughout the day, a total of four teams were on the ice at a time at the Killaloe Curling Club. 
The event’s motto is Proud to be Canadian and Proud of our Cultural Roots. 
Founder and commissioner of the bonspiel, David Shulist, outlined each cultures represented a distinct cultural nation.
For example, Kashubs represented the Kashub Nation Kaszebe and the Polish represented the Polish nation of Polska. 
Cultural pride could be seen throughout the day, with players in the Scottish team wearing traditional Scottish kilts and the Irish team covered in green.
The Wendish curling team, representing the Sorbian nation of Serbscina/Sorbia, defeated team France, Poland and Scotland to advance to the A finals against team Kaszebe. 


Get your March 26, 2014 edition of The Valley Gazette to read this full story.